What is Schools Over Stadiums really all about?


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Clark County Commission Chair Jim Gibson said he didn't understand the union's intention, since the county's cash infusion would be minimal and wouldn't "take a single dime away from teachers or students."

This is consistent with what most knowledgable people understand. The funding comes from a special tax district where the taxes come from game attendees.

So what is the real motivation? The clues come from the wording of the PAC releases, most recently their response to losing the court case on November 6. "When you take on billionaires, it's never easy." And they falsely refer to the stadium as a "billionaire's stadium", when in fact it will be owned by the Las Vegas Stadium Authority.

You see, opposing them are major businesses including casinos and hotels, as well as major unions who support the stadium. But they choose to claim their opponent is one person who they continually refer to as a "billionaire."

It seems pretty clear they are really driven by their ideology that includes dividing people, in this case, based on wealth. They are angry and bitter that a wealthy person is one of many who will benefit from the stadium. Their bitterness and resentment of wealthy people is often in indication of unsuccessful and unhappy people.

Their motives should be made clear and they should be denounced.